Christmas Transformation

The message of Christmas means that things are not what they seem, that a new world has dawned so that we find ourselves on the front edge of powerful and beautiful realities worthy of the Maker who became like the made in order to re-make everything better than new.  In the jubilant words of Mother …

In Bethlehem’s Babe God Moves In

Five years ago, Lavone and I moved from Greenville, Illinois to Indianapolis, Indiana.  It was the smoothest and most care-free move we’ve ever had.  We are grateful beyond words, and more comfortable than we deserve in our home (which because of travel still seems quite new).  All the more so, when we acknowledge this Christmas …


Here is the good news of Christmas: Jesus’ birth brings joy to all the people (Luke 2:10).  God targets all for joy in the giving of a child to Mary and Joseph and through them to the world. (NOTE: Reader’s Alert!  This first Christmas gift disappoints all attempts to be politically correct.) It is not …