Given the current condition of our culture—both inside and outside the church—I think as many of us as possible should seriously consider changing churches!  Let me explain.   Some time ago, Lavone and I were driving somewhere, not on the interstate, but on a two-lane highway through the countryside.  We came up over a bluff …


According to the Pew Research Center, just under 88% of members of Congress identify as Christian (87.8%) compared with 63% of the U.S. population.  In addition, less than 5% of the Congress identify as religiously unaffiliated (e.g., humanist or unwilling to say) compared with 33% of adults in the U.S. today. ** Let the findings …

Why and How Jesus’ Kingdom Requires “Lent”

What kind of a kingdom begins with Lent?  Well, a good and godly one.  In fact, the gospel story begins with Jesus announcing the presence of God’s kingdom, and then proposing our proper response in “Lenten terms.”  “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced.  “The kingdom of God is near!  Repent …

Renewal is NOT a Missional Work-Around

Spiritual renewal requires followers of Jesus to be shaped (or “discipled”) into the KIND of people who become agents of God’s renewal.  IF renewal happens, it normally happens first to them and then through them to and for others. It is common for us to read the remarkable report on Pentecost Sunday (Acts 2) and …


“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). This urgent invitation of Jesus is the focus of Lent, and the reason I confess my need of it. I need Lent. That time of year when the mind’s eye and the heart’s …