For May 17, 2020

Loving Lord, From ancient times you have been the great refuge of your people, Welcoming and sheltering them from hostile powers that threaten, Illumining their puniness by the light of glory in the face of Jesus, Comforting, consoling, convicting, correcting, cleansing, conforming Them/us to that face, that heart, that mind—YOU becoming our all! In the …

For the Fourth Sunday of Easter

Loving Lord, IN the beginning, whether by big bang or quiet whisper, You created all that was, is and will be; You created us. In the beginning, once formed and breathed alive, You Welcomed us Home, to sanctuary with you, to live in You, living in Your love, walking in Your light, radiating Your glory, …

For the Third Sunday of Easter

Loving Lord, We enter your presence to name you as Lord and King! We approach, we bow down, we worship your majesty. We lay our meagre gifts of self and stuff before your feet, And know we are yours! Bought with Triune Treasure in gifting us your Self, Stretching arms and hands to receive the …