As I write this the U.S. is poised to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, commemorating the life and accomplishments of Dr. King for the cause of human rights in the USA and around the world.  I suspect, however, that the NFL championship games, with Super Bowl stakes, have captured the minds and hearts of …

Freedom and Dignity Legacy

The world celebrates the life of Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, and modern icon of human dignity and freedom.  I want to suggest that his life truly merits our reflection especially in light of the larger biblical story from which we, as Jesus followers, derive our identity and by which we orient our …

On Security and Mission

I am writing from inside a secure compound in Eket where the Rev.  P. S. lives when she is in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria, which is located in the south central region of Nigeria and is a city central to the established Free Methodist Church in the country.  We have armed security police stationed …

Two Parables on Partnering

Once upon a time, human beings conspired to storm heaven. It seemed that God or the gods no longer visited them and were no longer there for them, if ever they were. “Besides,” they thought, “who put the gods in charge anyway? We’re imaginative, creative and resourceful — especially if we work together. There is …

It’s a Slum … That’s why!

Our Kenyan friend, en route to the Church in Kagwangware, explained, “This place is a slum, not like Kibera (Kenya’s world-famous slum) but still a slum; that’s why you see these churches!” My mind did a quick rewind and replay several times in the next while.  I would never have expected this comment as part …