On this day marking the life, leadership and martyrdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, we should pause to give thanks that indeed black lives matter!  I am grateful that the life of Dr. King, a man of color, mattered so profoundly, though cut so tragically short.  It would do us all good to read again his now …


“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace for people of God’s good will (Luke 2:14).” It is common to pass quickly from these traditional words of praise to the detailed account of what the Shepherds discovered at the Bethlehem crèche—the child swaddled, parents adoringly attending, and the animals carrying on as usual.  …

Now, About Governing

As the alarm sounded on November 9 in Uyumaya, Nigeria I jumped out of bed and looked at my phone.  I expected news of the first woman elected President of the United States.  Instead, I was shocked to learn that no one had yet won the election and that Donald Trump had just surpassed Hillary …


In one week from today the U.S. electorate will choose one of the two major party candidates as their next President.  Whoever wins will take office as the least admired and the least respected President in our history.  Whoever is elected will lead a nation deeply divided, with over half the population disillusioned, disgusted and …

Political Questions–Does Character Really Matter?

We shake our heads as we must acknowledge that the unthinkable has happened.  This November U.S. citizens will choose between two of the most unpopular candidates in the nation’s electoral history.  Some claim that the levels of opposition mean that the winner will be the one un-liked the least.  If this is not true literally, …