Jesus is the elephant–the elephant of the story, the elephant in the room, and the elephant that is unlike any other. Jesus is the elephant of the story.  The story has become a well-known parable, tracing back to ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts some 2500 years ago.  Commonly called “the parable of the blind men …

Birthday Celebration and Commitment

Today, we join a million plus Free Methodist friends around the world in celebrating 157 years of life and ministry together as a freedom movement in companionship with Jesus our Messiah. We celebrate the freedoms achieved for human beings through the loving self-giving of Jesus to death and then through death to Life–freedom in the …


In a previous post, I noted that the way of Jesus, from the beginning, has entailed peace-making.  To summarize: In his famous ”Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus blesses the peace-makers because “they will be called children of God” (Matt. 5:9).  In that same context, he also pronounces blessing upon the gentle or meek (5:5), the …

The Sky is NOT Falling!

Here is a paragraph from Henny Penny, more commonly known as Chicken Little, a folk tale about a chicken who believes the world is coming to an end. ** As Chicken Little was one day strolling about in a garden, she ran under a rose-bush and a leaf fell on her tail. A Fox was standing by, who wanted to …

Following Jesus and Making Peace in a Violent World

No one will question that we live in a violent world.  No one will doubt that most of the world powers assume that violence must be met by violence.  And, oddly to some, many if not most Christians also assume that the great evils of our day will be resolved inevitably only by some use …