“Home” and the Holidays

For most of the first half of Advent 2009 we have not been home for the holidays, not by a long shot.  In fact, we have found ourselves in places where people didn’t know or acknowledge the season—such as Muslim Nigerians as the season began or totally non-believing vacationers most recently.  Or else, we’ve been …

The Greatest Miracle and Wonder in the Face of a Baby

I agree with C.S. Lewis who asserted that the greatest miracle was not Jesus' virginal conception, nor his resurrection from the dead, nor any of the other manifestations of power in calming the forces of nature or healing the brokenness of human bodies, minds, and spirits.  No, the greatest miracle is the incarnation. The most jaw-dropping and …


The unclaimed ones are best!  Blessings that is.  On this Thanksgiving weekend, with Advent just around the corner, I am reflecting on the blessings we enjoy.  Of course, the usual come to mind—family, friends, freedom, opportunity, food—lots of food with stunning variety, richness of experiences, and the list goes on.  All of these I claim …

The only thing we have to offer …

As we have travelled, preached, taught, and held conferences throughout Nigeria these past two weeks it has become obvious that the only thing we have to offer people is Jesus.  We may be able to fund some special projects, but funds are limited and most of what we could do other agencies and NGO could …