On Losing and Winning We are T minus 2.5 weeks to the execution. The condemned has invited us to join him on death row and, on that day, he will have also invited us to die with him. These are days fraught with sobering realities. If we look back we will remember that this is …
Author Archives: David Kendall
Jesus used at least three prominent figures to describe the believing life as an on going work of God’s grace in our lives—the journey, the new birth, the vine and its branches. Here are three prayers for people in process that express the longings of my heart. Perhaps of yours too. Master, thank you for …
Abscess, Root Canal and Lessons from the Pain
Recently I had as miserable a week as any I can recall. One night I woke up to a dull throb under a large molar on the bottom left side. Dull became acute; the molar shared its pain with the whole jaw, then cheek, eye, temple, and soon the entire left side of my head. …
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