24 years ago, over a 100 day period of time, nearly one million people were slaughtered in Rwanda.  It was not war, per se, and it was not a fascist government eliminating the opposition, per se.  Rather, it seems to have been anger and hostility smoldering beneath the surface, stoked into full flame by calculating …

MLK’s “Auto-Eulogy”

Fifty years ago, tonight, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on the balcony of a Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee.  I believe that all Americans, and people from every other part of the world, who love freedom should grieve this tragic and traumatic event in our history.  Likewise, every American, and all others, who cherish …

Risen From The Book!

Does Easter make a difference?  Did the flurry and frenzy of Holy Week activity become an expression of the power that raises the dead?  Or was it more like a Memorial Day weekend?  Was it only that we recalled the One who made the supreme sacrifice for which we will always be thankful, but which …

Caiaphas, Caesar, Christ

Can we live in the way of Caiaphas or Caesar in the name of Christ? Are there multiple ways Messiah can wage the battle, achieve the victory and save the world and us? Does the supreme value of Kingdom-come justify whatever means are necessary to get there?   When Jesus told them what being Messiah …

The “Trumping” of Messiah

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, it must have excited and energized the crowds who welcomed him.  Garments spread on the path, palm branches waving in the air, jubilant cries lifted to the heavens: “Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest! Welcome, Jesus, long awaited Messiah of God and Israel!” A number must have enthused, “It’s about time!  We …