What some might have thought unthinkable has happened.  This November citizens of the United States will cast ballots to elect either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as their next President.  Conceivably it could be different, but only in the same way we often say, “I suppose anything can happen.” That it comes to such a …

POLITICAL QUESTIONS—What’s Our (Political) Mission?

It may seem strange to speak of a “political” mission.  I hope in these paragraphs to suggest why it is not. Here is our situation as I see it: we live in a nation deeply divided—conservative vs. liberal; Christian vs. other or no faith; Christian conservative vs. Christian progressive; and the list goes on.  The …


During the 2016 Presidential primary season it has become clear that the American electorate is fed up with government that doesn’t work, with insiders that do not respond, and with processes that self-perpetuate but fail to provide workable solutions to ongoing challenges facing us all.  As a result, we have entered a season when outsiders …

POLITICAL QUESTIONS: Should Politics and Religion not be Mixed?

“Whatever you do, don’t talk about religion or politics!”  If you must, “whatever you do, don’t talk about both at the same time!”  That is, do not claim that your religion is, in fact, political in nature.  And do not act as though your politics traces to some religious claim or commitment. But what if …


On this fourth Sunday after Epiphany Christ followers have traditionally prayed that the God of peace would grant “peace in our time.”  How timely and wonderful would Heaven-granted peace be in our time!  I suppose that would almost always be true, this side of full Kingdom-come.  But this week I learned of a remarkable instance …