Earthquakes, coup d’état, and plague convert citizens into refugees, and homeland into exile, as has happened last week in Haiti and Afghanistan.  Against such painful backdrop, the People of God in Jesus Messiah have a song to sing that offers hope from a deeper and wider story.  Consider how. The ancient people of God experienced …

God as Baby?!

C.S. Lewis famously noted that the greatest miracle of Christianity is not the resurrection but the incarnation. If you can accept that God became a baby, the resurrection should not be a problem. But when you held your first-born baby, or grandchild, or any infant, you probably did not think, “This is how God was!” …

The Whole Gospel—Vertical AND Horizontal

The Creator and Redeemer God passionately loves the world and all realities it entails past, present and future.  The world created supremely good, then subject to futility and corruption through human disobedience, has never escaped God’s majestic and mysterious plans.  Plans once unknown and beyond human imagining but then shockingly, powerfully and bodily manifested in …

The Gospel–Whole or Partial?

Do we want the whole gospel?  Or will we pick and choose gospel-elements that seem most helpful or pertinent to us?  Will we settle for less than the Messiah Jesus intended in his life, death and resurrection?  Or will we, by grace, pursue and expect a new way of living as human beings that requires …


In these days of recovery from the global pandemic of COVID-19 and the resurgence of the global spiritual pandemic of racism—perhaps a series of spikes in outbreaks—we are right to look first to see whether we have a board stuck in our eye before we note the dust we think may obscure the vision of …