A Barren Tree and a Barren Temple

Why did Jesus pick on the poor fig tree?  Especially when it wasn’t time for figs to be ripe?  Well, Mark tells us Jesus was hungry (Mark 11:12).  Apparently, then, Jesus became “hangry?”  He saw the leaves and went to see if by chance this tree fruited earlier than usual.  Then, when it didn’t, Jesus …

God is STILL on the Throne! ?

It is common for people of faith to respond to tragedy and threat by affirming: “God is still on the Throne!”  I take this to mean that whatever has happened or is happening has not defeated God, nor surprised God, and has not called into question God’s ability or willingness to help.  What has happened …

Fight Pandemic with Pandemic

As we all know, the word “pandemic” has become synonymous with terms like “plague, scourge, and disease” and therefore conjures up a sense of dire threat.  But “pandemic” is actually an adjective that qualifies something else as “widespread, prevalent, pervasive, universal, global.”  “Pan” means “all,” and “Demos,” means “people.”  When something is pandemic it extends …

Lent Brings Kingdom Blessing!?

The Kingdom that begins with Lent also begins with blessing.  There is the call to turn—repent!—which is Lent.  There then comes a pronouncement: “Blessed!”  Consider how stunning this is. When Jesus begins to teach about the Kingdom of God, the first word is “Blessed!”  This is not what we expected, not from God almighty in …


We are in the season of Lent, made sacred by Jesus’ urgent invitation: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). I confess my need of Lent—that time of the year when the mind’s eye and the heart’s ear give acute …