Loving Lord God,
Creator and Redeemer of all the world and its many peoples, we draw near to you with wonder and awe. Just as we can hardly appreciate the enormity, complexity and beauty of the world you created, so we can only glimpse the outlines of the world you are birthing through the rightwising, reconciling and renewing power of Jesus’ dying and rising in all-conquering love.
We know that you suffered and died, and then rose up from death and ascended to royal enthronement to oversee the massive renovation of your broken world and its errant inhabitants.
We know that the whole creation somehow “waits” eagerly for its liberation with and through our own.
And, we know that you draw us out into your world to bear witness to the One you have sent as Source and Supply of Light and Life and Love and Hope and … all we most deeply need, that One who is the origin and final expression of what is good and true. You have sent us Jesus, to show us, to lead us, to be with us, to inhabit and empower us, and to walk us into opportunities to wake and woo the world to its Loving Lord.
Help us, Loving Lord, so to worship you in Spirit and truth, that our words, deeds, responses, and manner all point to Jesus in just this way, in whose name we pray. Amen.